Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Dana: On (and Off) my needles August 2017

While I feel like it's been a slow go of things, with all the summer activities and travels, in writing this I am surprised by how much I've actually done!

Finished Projects:

Spring Highway Yarn (and intended project):
I'm really excited about my handspun/hand-dyed 'spring-highway' colorway. I got the fiber a few months back from SewGreen Ithaca, a local fiber and sewing reuse shop, labelled 'wool roving'. It will be one of the next 'on-the-needles' projects as Vivid Mitts by Jungmi Ryu. I hoping to get them going and finished before this winter sets in...

Squares for Blanket/Quilt:
Not too long ago Betsy and I came up with blanket KAL. The idea was, by next fall/winter, we would have made a woolen blanket from our many scraps of yarn from our many projects. I originally thought I would knit my squares as swatches of different patterns, killing two birds with one stone: working on the KAL and learning new stitch patterns as well. BUT with all of my other knitting projects working and waiting I started to think maybe I wanted to do something 'easier & quicker' then knitting swatches... Enter my long forgotten pin loom, which I purchased 3 years ago then quickly forgot about. It is PERFECT for this project, a quick little weave with the end of a skein and voila a 4" square to add to my blanket.

Rainbow Socks (Version 0.3):
In my 'On (and Off) my Needles June 2017' post I had shared the version 0.1 of this sock. The completed sock is version 0.3. I had, for a long time dreamed of getting my hands on Zauberball sock yarn, and when I saw it for sale on Webs (I think it was Webs) I jumped at the opportunity! The plan was to do a simple vanilla sock with short row toe and afterthought short row heel (I read that afterthought heels are perfect for self-striping yarn to keep the rows nice and neat). Version 0.1 I was disappointed in the toe, too loose compared to the tube. Version 0.2 I got bored with straight stockinette. Version 0.3 I am happy with the results! I added a simple eyelet pattern, tightened up the short-row toe, and changed from a short row heel to a standard afterthought heel and followed Elizabeth Zimmerman's recommendation of taking 2/3rds of the stitches to make a heel rather than 1/2.

Works in Progress:

Stole: Print-o-the-wave by, Eunny Jang:
No picture becuase it is all bunched up on 24" circular needles in preparartion for the knitted on edge. This project I start and stop at, so it is not moving so quickly. All the other things keep taking precedence. I will finish it though, as it is a beautiful pattern and I can't wait to see it completed (or apparently I can). :)

Targhee from SheepSpot Breedschool:
A few months ago I signed up for Sheepspot's Breed School, and so far I am really happy I did (although I would say it is a bit expensive for the quantity, the specificity of the intention is worth it). Every other month I receive ~4oz of breed specific wool along with a bit about the breed and ideas/encouragement in how to spin it. With an emphasis on sampling and recognizing this wools traits. Last month I received ~4oz of Targhee. A beautiful cloudy soft squishy (aka crimpy) breed. Having opted for the un-dyed plan I am also able to flex my color muscles. Touching this wool made me think of cotton candy pastel. The intention is to spin a thicker yarn with a light twist and knit it into a simple squishy cowl...

Back in June Karen, Betsy, Nilay, Ela,  and myself visited Crooked Creek Farm in Brooktondale, NY. Amy and her husband raise Cormo/Rambouillet/Finn sheep. Not only did we spend a great evening visiting we came home with some beautiful fleece! I purchased  a total of 8 lbs of fleece: 5 lbs of Axil (grey-ish), 2 lbs of Charlie (dark chocolate brown), and 1lb general fine white. I am still working on cleaning and processing Axil, and love how he is spinning up! After some sample spins I decided to spin him into a 2ply woolen short draw with ~40-degree twist. So far so good! (Added side note, I really love spinning on my dealgan!!!)

Dream Items:

Just something I've been salivating over...
Kick Spindle by True Creations

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